Monday, July 28, 2014

Bob Fickes ~ Parallel Worlds of Little People

While I was walking through a field yesterday, I noticed a transparent layer of energy about thirty centimeters above the ground. I had seen this before and knew exactly what was happening. I was walking through an area where another dimension of reality was very active.
This was a parallel world!
No, not a parallel world of human beings that looks like us. (I have never seen a parallel world like that.)
This world was not on this dimension but it had many things similar to this dimension. In any case, the energy was quite thick and powerful. There was a lot of activity there!
This was a world of beings that behave similar to humans but are much smaller. They have homes, wear clothes, etc. basically all the things that we have but they are not human. I don’t really know what they are. Perhaps some might call them gnomes, others could call them elves, I think I would prefer the term I learned in Hawaii as Menehune.

Menehune are real! They have their own dimension but sometimes cross over to our world to help someone. They have great spiritual power or Mana.
In Hawaii they were quite common for those of us who could see their dimension. They usually lived in the valleys where there was ample water and lots of jungle foliage like Manoa Valley in Oahu.
But this is not Hawaii. This is Thailand! It does not surprise me that these beings are not just in Hawaii! I also saw similar beings in the high deserts of Arizona.
Now I suspect that they are everywhere! Maybe even in Japan, though I have never seen them there. But honestly, I have not looked for them nor have I had much opportunity to visit remote valleys in Japan, only the more highly visited areas such as Shrines or Temples. If Menehune were living in Japan, they would choose a more remote valley where there are lots of foliage and very little human activity. It is possible that they might be living in Hokkaido or Kyushu!
The fact that I stumbled through their world is important to recognize. As our human consciousness is rising and our hearts are getting more open and loving, it allows beings that have been hiding from humans to start to connect with us again.
Humans have been so self absorbed that we have ignored Nature and destroyed most of the places where other dimensions might be living. I mean after all, even the animals are farther away from where we live and staying out of our sight, so why not spiritual beings from other dimensions!
As our hearts open, let us all offer our respect to these beings that we cannot see. They won’t come out unless they feel very safe. So let’s show them we are changing. Offer them a nice sweet or a piece of fruit. At least send a little ray of love to any being out there who might be listening.
The legends of all ancient cultures talk about such beings and usually refer to them as magical and benevolent. Where they are referred to as malicious, it is usually the case that humans who wanted to control their power abused them.
This is certainly worth making an effort to communicate with these beings and welcome them back into relationship with humans. The knowledge that the Menehune have and the magical powers that they possess could be very useful to us as we attempt to bring our world back into harmony with Nature!

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